Opening 2025
The house re-opens for tours on 3rd January.
Full details appear on our Opening Times page.
Visits may be accommodated at other times than those published, and are usually welcomed, but strictly by prior arrangement, please.
Advance booking requested, on 0879772224/0872223970/[email protected]
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Covid restrictions
Understandably (we hope) we reserve the right to cancel tours at short notice. We do expect that all visitors will be happy to abide by our now-customary public health advice, will have been vaccinated, and will be prepared to wear face-masks when indoors if requested.
Visitors, especially local residents, are otherwise welcome to access the gardens only, for reasons of exercise (and general well-being!). The fee of €5.00 p.p. will apply.
Please advise of your impending arrival, on 087 9772224 or 087 2223970, or otherwise seek us out upon arrival.
To safely control numbers, and to maintain a record of visitors, we’d ask that you please advise us in advance of any intended visit, on 087 9772224 .
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Opening Days
Full details appear on our Opening Times page.
As always, we invite you to please stay in touch. We especially welcome contact from those with historical family connections to Corravahan.
If you, your school or your group would like to arrange a visit at other permitted times, please email us on [email protected].
We’re well worth a visit!
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Marriage and the Irish – the Beresford daughters’ nuptials
Read Jonathan A. Smyth’s essay “A high-society wedding in Cavan (1853)”, in Salvador Ryan’s collection Marriage and the Irish: a miscellany, published by Wordwell (2019). The chapter describes the events, the fashions and the feasting associated with the dual weddings of Archdeacon Beresford’s daughters at Drung Church, on 16th August 1853, and the subsequent wedding reception in their nearby residence at Corravahan. The original Anglo-Celt newspaper accounts, of August 18th & 25th, upon which Jonathan’s lovely piece is based, can also be easily found [see].
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Rolls Royce club & IGS visitors
The 20-Ghost Club and Irish Georgian Society (London Chapter) visited on May 12th 2019, during their tour of NW Ireland, We were pleased to welcome ten fine Rolls Royce motors back to Corravahan!
Photo: M. Totten
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Iconic 320 y.o. Cedar of Lebanon damaged by winter storm
A 20-ft section was torn from the top of the tree by a severe gust during the passing of Storm Eleanor on January 2nd 2018, almost exactly 57 years after similar damage was caused by Hurricane Debbie in 1961.
It is believed that the cedar was planted, as a specimen tree, during the setting of the gardens for Drung Parsonage in 1728.
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Culture Night 2017
Praising a Cultural Landscape
Corravahan House celebrated Culture Night on Friday 22nd September, enjoying an evening of poetry and violin music with Heather Brett & Rafal Szydlowski.
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Visit by Country Roadz Riderz Group
Corravahan House hosted a visit by the group on April 11th 2015.
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Cordelia Ewerth at Corravahan House, October 2014
We were pleased to welcome the renowned German architectural photographer to Corravahan House. Combining her photography of Corravahan with studies of Bellamont Castle, Cootehill (1730) and The See House, Kilmore (1835), Cordelia has captured the beauty of three Cavan examples of Irische Herrenhauser. To view the results, go to
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Corravahan House featured on Irish TV, September 2014
Karina Charles filmed here for the popular series, County Matters, and we feature in the episode “Cavan Matters 18” (
Irish TV officially launched on May 1st 2014. It is available on Sky 191, Freestat 400 and live via
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Heritage Week 2014
National Heritage Week takes place Sat 23rd – Sun 31st August.
Corravahan House & Gardens will be open daily for 13.30 – 17.30 daily (last admission 16.30). Tours of the house on the half-hour (13.30, 14.30, 15.30, 16.30).
Admission fees apply. Adults €5; Children/Students €3.00.
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“Song Sisters” filming with Irish TV, March 2014
Popular Cavan singing group, The Song Sisters, were interviewed by Yasmin Maasarani.
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“Gems of Architecture”, January/February 2014
Corravahan House was featured in History Ireland’s series on irish architectural highlights [History Ireland, Volume 22, No.1]…/corravahan–house-co-cavan
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Building of the Month, October 2013
Corravahan House was the NIAH “Building of the Month” for the month of October 2013.
Highlighting the extraordinarily rich architectural heritage of the county of Cavan, the NIAH has recently published “An Introduction to the Architectural Heritage of County Cavan“.
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