Coravahn and the Leslies

Please help us to retell the story of the Leslies of Coravahn. For 120 years from 1854 to 1973 Corravahan House, Co. Cavan was home to three generations of the Leslie family.  The family were at the heart of local life, and had broader social and military connections. crop family group brighter Terrace & west elev c1883We are very interested in viewing any letters, other documentation or photographs that relate to the Leslie family.  Their predecessors (1840-1854) were the family of Rev. Marcus Gervais Beresford.

If you find or acquire at auction any such items relating to Rev Charles Leslie, his sons John Henry Leslie, Charles Robert Leslie, Cecil Edward Leslie, Henry King Leslie and Arthur Trevor Leslie or any other potential family members we would be pleased to know. The Rev. Charles’ father was John Leslie, Bishop of Ardagh, Elphin & Kilmore, who was the 2nd son of Col. Charles Powell Leslie of Glaslough.

The historical information contained in letters will very likely be of great interest and importance to us as we attempt to plug the gaps in our historical narrative of this fascinating family and their association with Corravahan House (or Coravahn as the Leslies knew it).

You may have acquired such material for the envelope, stamp or postmark, but it is the written words within that are of interest to us.  If you collect militaria, medals or other memorabilia, the existence of these items is of importance for the story they tell us, rather than the antique value of the articles themselves.

So, PLEASE, contact us on [email protected] to discuss any material you have, and how we might view, copy or acquire it.

Thanks, Ian & Rachael.

8.7.1870 Gov dies


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One thought on “Coravahn and the Leslies

  1. Robin Cassell

    Hi Ian/Rachel,

    Hogspear on eBay have told me of your quest – I bought the two more expensive bundles of letters from them earlier this week. Please feel free to give me a call tonight – or when convenient. My mobile is ************ – I am in Wiltshire.

    Best regards,



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